After taking the summer off to do god knows what, I am pleased to say that the J. Newbury blog will be back in action on a daily basis (for the most part...c'mon). We are going to make an effort to let you all know just what is happening with J. Newbury: Trade shows, Open Markets, New Designs, Contests, Fashion Shows, and of social events as well.
I am pleased to say that as of recently, J. Newbury has been involved in a collaboration with Urban Outfitters...
Select U.O. retailers (as well as Their online store) now carry J. Newbury tees!
You can help support J. Newbury by hitting the "Like" icon...
J. Newbury will be returning to the SOWA Open Market the weekend after labor day. It should be an awesome time (It was last year). Come swing by the South End Open Markets for tee shirts, crafts, vintage clothing, local produce and tons of other awesome stuff. As always, look for the motorcycle, the well stocked cooler, and J. Newbury himself. (More details to follow)

It's a great way to celebrate the fading days of summer. I will be walking around myself browsing the awesome selection of vinyl and other retro goodies.
J. Newbury is in the process of teaming up with local talent agencies in hopes of putting on several events and shows for the upcoming fall season. Kind of in the works right now...but we'll keep you posted.
Most importantly, J. Newbury will have some brand new gear coming out for when the cooler weather rolls in. Tee shirts obviously, but also thinking waffle shirts and some fall and winter hats. If you have any ideas of suggestions, please message our fan page...We read and update these everyday.
-I hope that everyone had an awesome summer (I Know -I know, It's not over yet)
Let's drag it out and make it last.